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How to connect to CSV files using Ruby DBI ODBC and no DSN

I had a hard time finding a way of connecting to csv files using ruby's dbi through the odbc driver without using a DSN. The odbc turned not to work with Microsoft Text driver for odbc because the name of the driver has a semicolon in it. Thus, the ruby code fro the driver was splitting the name of driver, resulting in a keyword syntax error. The following is the (working) code that shows how to connect to csv files using dbi and odbc, note that I had to override require to add the fix to the odbc driver because dbi loads the driver using require:
require "dbi"   

alias :old_require :require 

def require(library)
  if library.downcase.include?("odbc")

def define_odbc_fix
  DBI.class_eval <<-'THERE'
  module DBD
    module ODBC
      class Driver < DBI::BaseDriver
        #JPT: fixed to allow the ";" character in the connection string.
        # Obeys the rule of "If a semicolon (;) is part of a value it must be delimited by quotation marks (")"
        # quoted from
        def connect(dbname, user, auth, attr)
        colon_stuffing_string = "@WACKYsUFF@"
          dbname.gsub!('";"', colon_stuffing_string)
          driver_attrs = dbname.split(';')

          if driver_attrs.size > 1
            # DNS-less connection
            drv =
   = 'Driver1'
            driver_attrs.each do |param|
              param.gsub!(colon_stuffing_string, ";")
              pv = param.split('=')
              next if pv.size < 2
              drv.attrs[pv[0]] = pv[1]
            db =
            handle = db.drvconnect(drv)
            # DNS given
            handle = ::ODBC.connect(dbname, user, auth)

          return, attr)
        rescue ODBCErr => err


  conn_str = "DBI:ODBC:Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt\";\" *.csv)};Dbq=$$path_to_folder_with_csvs$$;Extensions=csv;"
  conn_str.gsub!('$$path_to_folder_with_csvs$$', File.expand_path(".\\spreadsheets\\simple"))
  dbh = DBI.connect(conn_str, "", "")
  row = dbh.select_one("SELECT * from this_year_trancripts.csv")
  puts row.to_s
rescue DBI::DatabaseError => e
  puts "An error occurred"
  puts "Error code: #{e.err}"
  puts "Error message: #{e.errstr}"
  # disconnect from server
  dbh.disconnect if dbh


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