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Mail labels and letter templates for jasperreports

The following are free (MIT license) mailing labels and letter templates for jasperreports that you can download and use in jasperserver and/or ireport:

Update 3/15/2011: I moved the Mail templates zip file here. Please consider making a small donation if the templates are of help to you, Thank you!

If you need more information on how to use those templates please leave a comment in the blog.


Stefaan Somers said…
Where can I find this datasource. Can I download this database somewhere.

Can you also show the results of the labels once : does it print more than one label in the length.

Already many thanks for your help
Juan Pablo said…
The sql queries in the templates were made for the database of a propietary student information system named RenWeb. However you can easily modify the sql query to fit your database, I recommend using iReport for that.

Yes, the labels template do print 3 across because it uses columns.
Anonymous said…
Hi, thank for your template, work great. I ran into some difficulty in my servlet when compiling the .jrxml. In iReport it work perfecly, but in tomcat, jasper compiler crash with the folling error
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/codehaus/groovy/control/CompilationFailedException
Simply edit Mail_label_5960.jrxml and remove the language="groovy" attribut from jasperReport node.
Juan Pablo said…
Hi André, thank you for your tip, I had forgotten to mention that I use groovy for all my templates :). At work I also use jasperserver but I have the groovy jars in the lib folder of the jasperserver webapp, so I guess that is why it worked for me. Thank you again for your solution to that potential problem.
Anonymous said…

Thank you for your sample.

I have recently been asked if iReport has templates for Avery labels, and yours is the only posting I have found so far.

Up to this point, I have only used iReport for basic forms and reports, and have not delved into java or groovy much.

Just how would I use the Avery sample you point to within iReport?

Are there any other Avery label templates you are aware of, or will I need to create one each time someone requests one?

Thank you,
Anonymous said…

Never mind...I figured out how to use the sample in iReport.

Sometimes the most obvious answer is the hardest to see. If I took one second to look at the sample's file name it would have been self-evident.

Thank you,

Anonymous said…
Juan, I'm the I.S. Administrator for a church that is considering RenWeb for it's new Academy in 2009. Our RenWeb sales rep isn't very forth-coming about the RenWeb database. Two questions:

Is there a published ODBC connection or database diagram for RenWeb?

Have you heard of anyone importing into the RenWeb database?

Juan Pablo said…
Dear I.S. Administrator,

For now, RenWeb provides READ ONLY access to their SQL Server database. The database is a MS SQL server 2005 and you have *view* access to pretty much all the data in the program. There is no diagram of the database structure, but there is an spreadsheet listing all the fields and tables. I use iReport when creating reports and it has a nice interface to deal with the tables; you may find this or any other reporting tool handy. We access the database using JDBC, but you will also be able to use ODBC or anything else that can connect to an MS SQL Server.

Before buying RenWeb, I thought I could import data programitaclly (SQL or .NET) but that is not the case. The main reason they do not allow write access to their internal database is that the user could mess it up by executing the wrong SQL query. And no, they won't make any exceptions to this rule ... I already tried :)

Another thing worth noting is that they plan to replace this direct access to their database with a specialized Reporting tool. They have not find the right tool yet, so they still allow people to use SQL directly. That is probably why the sales rep did not want to talk about it, maybe he knows the SQL access won't be there for long.

In general, RenWeb has proven to be a fine SIS for us and specially for our teachers (they love the gradebook and homework modules b/c of their simplicity)

God bless,
HenryMiller said…
I tried to connect but seems to be unavailable .
HenryMiller said…
I tried to connect but seems to be unavailable .
Juan Pablo said…
Hi Henry!

My new webhost had some problems transferring the domain name. The link in the post should be working now; if it does not, try clearing the DNS cache.

wwhite said…
That's excellent.
I have been having issues creating html and css template with avery, with issues of printing from firefox.

I have used iReports before. Took me about 15 minutes to modify to suite my database, then printed 800 labels, perfect fit with Avery 5960.

Also, if you need the schema this came from, its pretty easy to reverse engineer the query, and the tables pop out. If you don't understand the query, then you probably won't understand the schema.
Mike Hill said…

Your website is not available. Do you have the zip file somewhere else?

Thanks so much!

Unknown said…
hey, How did you do this? I am trying to create mailing level using avery template in ireport. Is there a way to set the height, width to avery style?

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