To create multiple users into ActiveDirectory 2008 Server from one single CSV file containing the users login information, you can use the following wsf file:
1: <job id="main">
3: <script language="VBScript">
4: dim text_out
5: text_out = ""
6: Dim oContainer 'Parent container of new user
7: Dim oUser 'Created user
8: 'Get parentcontainer
9: Set oContainer=GetObject("LDAP://OU=yourouname, DC=your,DC=domain,DC=local")
10: 'Read the file with user information
11: Const ForReading = 1
12: Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
13: Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile _
14: ("users.txt", ForReading)
15: Do Until objTextFile.AtEndOfStream
16: strNextLine = objTextFile.Readline
17: user_info = Split(strNextLine , ",") 'split comma-delimited line
18: username = LCase(Left(user_info(0),1) & user_info(1))
19: 'Create user
20: Set oUser = oContainer.Create("User","CN=" & user_info(0) & " " & user_info(1) )
21: 'Assign properties values to user
22: oUser.Put "samAccountName",username
23: oUser.Put "givenName",user_info(0)
24: oUser.Put "sn",user_info(1)
25: oUser.Put "userPrincipalName",username & "@your.domain.local"
26: oUser.IsAccountLocked = False
27: oUser.SetPassword user_info(2)
28: oUser.SetInfo
29: 'Clean up
30: Set oUser = Nothing
32: Loop
Set oContainer = Nothing
33: WScript.Echo "Finished"
34: </script>
35: </job>
You CSV file (users.txt) must be located in the same folder where the script is and its contents must be in the following format (no headers):
First Name, Last Name, Password
The script will use the first name and last name to create a username. It will take the first letter of the first name and the complete last name, for example: jsmith.
You will need to replace yourdomain in the script with the name of your Windows Domain. Also you need to change “yourouname” in the script to the name of the organizational unit that will hold your new users.
The code is under the MIT license.