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Deployed a jruby on rails application on both Glassfish and Tomcat using Goldspike

Update 4/19/08: make sure you have rake 7.x instead of the newer 8.x version! Update 6/7/08: It does work with the latest Rake! please make sure you don't have a file in your folder whose name has a parentheses or a space when creating the WAR file. It is possible to deploy a jruby on rails application on both Glassfish and Tomcat. Make sure you read the Goldspike wiki and follow all the directions. Also make sure that you create a project WIHTOUT support for war deployment and instead install the goldspike manually. Also make sure your application works in production mode in Mongrel before you try to deploy it, that will save you a lot of time chasing ghost errors (both Glassfish and Tomcat are not very good spewing rails related errors). Also make sure that all your files are being deployed and that if you refer to any file in your application folder you use the RAILS_ROOT constant to get the absolute path. I was opening a file using a relative path, the file was on the root folder of the application, but when it ran in Glassfish, it could not find the file. I had to change my references to the file as RAILS_ROOT + '/' +'thefileiwasopening.txt' instead of just 'thefileiwasopening.txt'. One last thing, make sure you have your JDBC connectors jar files in the lib folder of the Web-inf folder (may need to put them there manually yourself).


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