Got so excited with focus sis and rails at work that I decided to work on a new personal project. The new project will help new and advance users to use a simple GUI to create web applications based in rails. The project's aim is to have the same easiness to use that MS Access has. However, thanks to the power of ruby on rails, the end result could be a MS Access killer :). Tonight, I worked on the code to generate forms from a GUI wizard.
When I added an SFTP create file action to my Power Automate flow ( ) , I got the following error in the action step, within the designer: "Test connection failed" To troubleshoot the Power Automate connection, I had to: go the Power Automate portal then "Data"->"Connections" the sftp connection was there, I clicked on the ellipsis, and entered the connection info It turns out, that screen provides more details about the connection error. In my case, it was complaining that "SSH host key finger-print xxx format is not supported. It must be in 'MD5' format". I had provided the sha fingerprint that WinScp shows. Instead, I needed to use the MD5 version of the fingerprint. To get that, I had to run in command line (I was in a folder that had openssh in it): ssh -o FingerprintHash=md5 To get the fingerprint in MD5 format. I took the string (without the "MD5:" part of the string) and put ...