When you need load POCO objects from a SQL Server database in a faster way than LinqToSQL, you may consider using SQL Server’s XML features. The FOR XML PATH command can be a really powerful tool to convert your relational data into XML that C# can de-serialize into C# plain objects. The key is to find how C# serializes objects to XML. In order to do that, I did a small test:
public class Store { public string Name { get; set; } public int Sales { get; set; } public List<StoreContact> StoreContact { get; set; } } public class StoreContact { public int ContactId { get; set; } public int ContactTypeID { get; set; } } public static void TestSaveToXML(string path) { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<Store>)); TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(path); List<Store> stores = new List<Store>(); List<StoreContact> stores_contcts = new List<StoreContact>(); stores_contcts.Add(new StoreContact() { ContactId = 2, ContactTypeID = 4 }); ; stores_contcts.Add(new StoreContact() { ContactId = 1, ContactTypeID = 6 }); stores.Add(new Store() { Name = "Fleas", Sales = 9989, StoreContact = stores_contcts }); stores.Add(new Store() { Name = "Lowe", Sales = 9989, StoreContact = stores_contcts }); stores.Add(new Store() { Name = "Juns", Sales = 9989, StoreContact = stores_contcts}); serializer.Serialize(writer, stores); writer.Close(); //open it serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<Store>)); TextReader reader = new StreamReader(path); List<Store> po_list = (List<Store>)serializer.Deserialize(reader); reader.Close(); }
I then opened the file created and looked at the element names. With that information, I wrote a View in the AdventureWorks database containing the following query (note the use of XML PATH):
select (SELECT s.[Name] AS "Name", (select --Get the store contacts belonging to the Store c.[ContactID] AS "ContactId", c.[ContactTypeID] AS "ContactTypeID" from [Sales].[StoreContact] c where s.[CustomerID] = c.[CustomerID] for xml path('StoreContact'), type) as "ArrayOfStore" FROM [Sales].[Store] s ORDER BY s.[Name] FOR XML PATH('Store')) as "xml";
When executed, the view returns a column (“xml”) containing the XML ready to be de-serialized by C#. The following code contains the class SQLServerXMLOrm to help you convert the results of sql queries like the above into a List of C# objects. The code also contains a class used to test SQLServerXMLOrm:
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Data.SqlClient; using Mvc2Test.Models.physical; using System.Xml.Serialization; using System.IO; namespace Mvc2Test.Models.logical { /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="PocoType">Must be a class that contains the fields and object returned by the SQL query. Its fields must have /// the same exact name as in SQL. See sample class TestXML for a valid query and poco classes </typeparam> public class SQLServerXMLOrm<PocoType> { /// <summary> /// Runs a query in SQL Server and converts its XML result into a list of POCO objects. /// The query MUST use "FOR XML PATH" to be able to return an XML result. /// This method can help you automate the process of having to map stright relational records into object /// that contain children objects. /// </summary> /// <param name="connection_string">Connection string to a SQL server</param> /// <param name="sql_query">SQL query that returns an XML result</param> /// <returns></returns> public List<PocoType> GetObjectsFromSQLXML(string connection_string, string sql_query) { string xml = ""; using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connection_string)) { cn.Open(); using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql_query, cn)) { using (SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { xml = dr[0].ToString(); } } } cn.Close(); } xml = "<ArrayOfStore>" + xml + "</ArrayOfStore>"; return TransformXML(xml); } public List<PocoType> TransformXML(string xml) { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<PocoType>)); TextReader reader = new StringReader(xml); List<PocoType> po_list = (List<PocoType>)serializer.Deserialize(reader); reader.Close(); return po_list; } } public class TestXML { //The following classes were created manually and their properies' names must match the name of the fields is SQL public class Store { public string Name { get; set; } public int Sales { get; set; } public List<StoreContact> StoreContact { get; set; } } public class StoreContact { public int ContactId { get; set; } public int ContactTypeID { get; set; } } public static void TestSaveToXML(string path) { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<Store>)); TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(path); List<Store> stores = new List<Store>(); List<StoreContact> stores_contcts = new List<StoreContact>(); stores_contcts.Add(new StoreContact() { ContactId = 2, ContactTypeID = 4 }); ; stores_contcts.Add(new StoreContact() { ContactId = 1, ContactTypeID = 6 }); stores.Add(new Store() { Name = "Fleas", Sales = 9989, StoreContact = stores_contcts }); stores.Add(new Store() { Name = "Lowe", Sales = 9989, StoreContact = stores_contcts }); stores.Add(new Store() { Name = "Juns", Sales = 9989, StoreContact = stores_contcts}); serializer.Serialize(writer, stores); writer.Close(); //open it serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<Store>)); TextReader reader = new StreamReader(path); List<Store> po_list = (List<Store>)serializer.Deserialize(reader); reader.Close(); } /// <summary> /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static void LoadFromXML() { DateTime beg = DateTime.Now; SQLServerXMLOrm<Store> orm = new SQLServerXMLOrm<Store>(); var list = orm.GetObjectsFromSQLXML((new AwDataContext()).Connection.ConnectionString, "select * from vXMLTest"); DateTime end = DateTime.Now; double timetaken = (end - beg).TotalMilliseconds; int size = list.Count; } public static void UseLinq() { DateTime beg = DateTime.Now; List<Store> stores = new List<Store>(); Store curr_store; var db = new AwDataContext(); var store_grps = (from rows in db.vTests orderby rows.Name select rows).GroupBy(r => r.Name).ToList(); DateTime end = DateTime.Now; double timetaken = (end - beg).TotalMilliseconds; foreach (var g in store_grps) { curr_store = new Store(); } } } }
All the code above is under the MIT license.