I finally was able to replicate in CalvaryGDK directional player-controlled character movement that you find in 3rd person games and platform games. The trick is to set the linear velocity to zero on all axis. Recommended for human movement behavior. The changes are in the SVN trunk at sourceforge. I will try to make a classic spaceship game with Calvary and released soon (maybe this weekend?). //move the object using forces but stop forcing after a speed is reached // only ONE of the components should be filled. RubyMethod move_forced(VALUE self, VALUE x, VALUE y, VALUE z, VALUE max_speed) { guard(GameObject.move_forced); CWorldObject *obj = internal(self); //std::cout move_forced " GetLinearVelocity().X; if (abs(obj->GetLinearVelocity().X) ApplyForce(RubyFloat::internal(x), 0.0f, 0.0f); } else { float cy = RubyFloat::internal(y); if (cy != 0.0f) { //std::cout GetLinearVelocity().Y; if (abs(obj->GetLinearVelocity()...
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