The following ruby (jruby) and sql code will get the Announcements from RenWeb and create an RSS feed file from them. The scripts needs the JDBC ActiveRecord gem. If you have any questions on how to run this script, please write a comment below. Both files are released under the MIT license . main.rb: require 'rss/maker' require 'cgi' require 'rubygems' gem 'activerecord-jdbc-adapter' require 'jdbc_adapter' class AnnouncementsDistrict :jdbc, :username => "YOUR ODBC USERNAME", :password => "YOUR ODBC PASSWORD", :driver => "", :url => "jdbc:sqlserver://THE URL TO CONNECT;DatabaseName=YOUR DATABASE NAME") set_table_name("AnnouncementsDistrict") #Gets an sql query from a file def self.get_sql_query_from_file(filename, params_hash_for_sql_query = nil) fi = sql_query = if pa...
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