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Showing posts from July, 2008

Deployed a JRails application using warbler in Apache

I was able to deploy a JRails application using warbler in Apache. The latest warbler gem is very nice and stable. I just needed to make sure warbler and jar were in my PATH variable. I also had to tell warbler to generate the files outside my truecrypt drive because somehow, truecrypt was not allowing WEB-INF folder to be uppercase. I still can't figure out how to change the Rails environment from Production to Development, it seems that warbler forces you to use Production which is very understandable considering that you usually deploy to production servers. Futhermore, thanks to the excellent Setting Up SSL on Tomcat In 3 Easy Steps article by nitinpai, i was able to set up apache and the rails application to run under SSL. Very, very nice and it was incredible easy, however, to make the certificate work with firefox 3 you need to tell keytool to use RSA. The is another article on the web about that, you can google it.

New Label templates for JasperReports

I had to create jasper templates for Avery 5390 and 5388 at work, so I decided to share the templates with those of you who are looking to print labels from iReport and/or JasperServer. You can download the templates here (includes 5390, 5388 and 5960) . The templates have a square where you should be able to safely put your content. I came up with the squares' dimensions by trial and error so please do some trial printings to see if it works for you. Also, groovy is the default language in my iReport so for all my templates had the language attribute set to groovy; if you run into problems with jasperserver you can do either one of the following: Place the groovy jars in JasperServer's webapp's lib folder. OR Edit the templates to disable groovy (remove the language="groovy" attribut from jasperReport node). Many thanks to André for pointing that out! The templates are released under the MIT license.